"Drive to Fly" on Friday, March 28 at Great Shots in Sioux Falls!
Swing into spring with us at our 2nd Annual Drive to Fly! Come on out to Great Shots on Friday, March 28 and "Drive to Fly" in support of Midwest Honor Flight! Your participation and support will help Midwest Honor Flight fly our WWII, Korean, and Vietnam Veterans as well as any terminally ill Veterans out to Washington, D.C. to visit and reflect at the memorials dedicated to their service and that of their fellow comrades. This trip is simply a small token of our appreciation for everything they've done. Throughout their Midwest Honor Flight tour, the Veterans are thanked, recognized and admired for their service. They come home personally knowing how much their country loves them and respects them. Veterans will never forget this gratitude and adoration.
NOTE: our online system allows for you to contribute any amount, including $0, towards the credit card fees. Regardless of what you select, we get 100% of the donation.
Great Shots
2505 W Benson Rd
Sioux Falls, SD 57107
Registration 1:30 PM - Golf 2-5 PM
You’ll find an online option for you to select any available sponsorship levels. If you need an invoice sent to you for the sponsorship level, please email our CEO with your selected level: aaron@midwesthonorflight.org. Thank you for considering a sponsorship for our Drive to Fly event!
THANK YOU to our 2025 Drive to Fly Sponsors!
Sponsorship Available
Presenting Sponsor
Longest Drive Sponsor
Beverage Sponsor
Buffet Sponsor
Golf Pro Sponsor
DJ Sponsor
VIP Bay Sponsors
Sponsorships Available
Veteran Sponsor
Sponsors a Veteran with an afternoon of fun while being honored for their service.